Hey all! My collab has some open spots and we need more people in it. Check it out here:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/70 2470/1
Heres the idea:
Noone seems to know the rules so we'll make them learn!!
WHAT DO WE DO: make a 10 to 30 second animation on one of the newgrounds rule provided below.
1) using racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language.
2)Linking to viruses, referral sites, or maliciously coded websites, either in your signature or in your post.
3)Discussing illegal activities - including, but not limited to: ROMs, cracks, warez and hacking.
4)Posting with an alt whilst banned, or your main account while an alt is banned. Both accounts may be deleted.
5)Impersonating Administrators, Moderators, or Newgrounds Regulars.
6)Bumping any old topic without a good reason and new information.
7)Remaking, or complaining about, a locked or deleted thread by creating a new thread.
8)Chasing / harassing / flaming other users, regardless of who instigated it.
9)ALL CAPS posting.
10)Repeatedly advertising your website.
11)Making 'Hi, I'm new', 'I'm back', or 'I'm leaving NG' threads without significant content pertinent to your situation.
12)Posting 'Use the search', 'Use Google' or similar without providing relevant links.
13)Recreating a thread that has been created recently. Use the search bar before hitting 'New Topic'.
14)Backseat modding: pointing out what needs to be deleted, banned, locked, destroyed.
15)Linking to pornographic (including cartoon porn) or NSFW material without a clear warning.
16)Instigating or discussing malicious attacks on other websites
17)Making multiple short posts (five words or less) over a short time period.
18)Attempting to smartass your way round these rules.
19)Please use proper punctuation and grammer
20)Read, re-read, and respect these rules
These are 20 rules I think need to be adressed.
HOW MANY PARTS ARE THERE: 23: each rule(20), a main menu, credits, and an opening scene You may have more than one part but no more than three.
frame speed: 24fps
background default: white
stage size:550 x 400
Please do NOT join if you will NOT finish your part!
These are all rules that are usually broken and people will not take the time to read the rules!!!
So I decided that a collab is the best way to get people to understand.
Please do NOT break any of these rules in the making of your movie. (censor pornographic material and bleep out racist stuff)
The parts are first come first serve so get them while you still can.
The due date will be made aftermost parts are filled
If you are interested or have any questions either reply to this post or email me at rob@cpanimation.com